

John Cage's Imaginary Landscapes (1939).

Oh great John, you enhanced the concept of unpredictability and non intentionality in music composition!
But in Music Tech randomness seams to play the main role so... some considerations on these concepts are coming into my mind.

Intuitively I think about the 'creative act' by excellence: the birth of a new human being.
Unpredictable - in it's essence, hopefully still for some years...
Non Intentional - eventually, as rising in freedom...

but...I wouldn't call mama and dad a random generator!!! > at least not yet.

Well, by heart I say:
"What is unpredictable for us
might not be random in nature,
rather necessary".

Nevertheless randomness sounds something different from unpredictability. Randomness is more an intellectual concept to me...
It is not connected with 'realty', it has its own 'life'... Is it all about imagination? Mmmh...
ok. I'm getting quite mystical, almost artificial.

So, let's go in the Kingdom of Hypothesis:
...when trying to explain a complex process, in science for instance, the hypothesis of randomness on the 'error term' is exactly what allows for forecasts on the others, the explanatory variables... randomness is what provides tools for a partial explanation, a potential understanding. It simplifies, defines limits and strengths of our models opening the way toward reassuring predictions.

Therefore randomness may be.... a constant answer for the unexplainable... a theme... while imagination flies over n.........Far out!

Yeah...Let it be.