
Construction and Deconstruction

This week we've been at the Diploma and Degree Forum. I must admit that I haven't really understood what was all about... Finding a formula for the most appealing song? Commenting many different people's ways of composing?
..Involuntarily, my "translation connections" went for a big nap!

By my side, I'm working always on samples...

and on the serial composition.
I want to record real instruments for it, because I'm definitely interested in learning as much as possible on recording techniques; than I find the "recording act" a necessary balance for such an intellectual exercise.

***Well, the real problem is that I haven't written any serial piece: it sounds ridiculously tonal to be called serial!
I spent quite a while looking for my series: building up conceptual transpositions, trying with calculations, parallelisms, even Cartesian Plan projections (...don't smoke too much!), but as soon as I was playing them, they were empty somehow. So, I resigned to my melodic nature and I believe it's all about "Bitonal-Serialism" (?)
The piece tells the story of BiTON 's inner dialog during a rought promenade......................many many thanks to Felicity (Cello) and Bryan (Vib)!! ***